Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Herbavor Curve


Nik Faldo said...

Fourputt, make a graph for yourself showing the number of visits to NPP going down and the number of minutes (notice - not in hours) played per visit going down faster.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You would be complaining too if you did not reach your goal for the number of wheels, boats, and 4 of a kinds,you planned to hit Saturday night. (I didnt even get a freakin straight flush.)

Don't make any bones about it..I sat in Beerhog's chair (aka Herbavor's chair) and was fortunate to catch those cards and have players call my bets.


Nik Faldo said...

That's right. Rub it in. The Card Gods take a very dim view of people unhappy with 'only hitting a few' international buy cards on the river to win the hand.