Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bigbrimar and Faldo Make Final Tables

Bigbrimar cashes in with a 2nd place finish in a PokerStars 360-player tourney. He picked up a smooth 60 times his entry.

Faldo was having a bad day at the tables (but luckily a good day in the land of football prognostication) until he got some nub on Ultimate Bet.

I finished 4th in a tournament of 71, and had a showdown record of 30%. I went in to a showdown the FAVORITE every time, except one. Even my tournament exit, my (7s 7c) (70%) lost to (Ks 5c) (30%).

I was comforted by the fact that my 6 times entry did cover the losses in the other non-cash tourneys that day. But I was disappointed not to close this one out, as I was “in the zone” for a change. The flop, turn and river did not cooperate, so what can you do?

Douge2 sent me an email that shows our Michigan legislature is attempting to change the laws concerning charity gaming – i.e., charity poker rooms. I could not figure out if it was a reduction in licenses or an increase. The final version of the proposed bill was not available in the link Douge sent me.

But rarely – if ever – does government pass laws which say; “Ok, we have over-step our boundaries and have trampled your freedoms too long. Here is some of them back.”

Yeah, that never seems to be the theme of any level of government action. Anybody get the full story, let us all know.

Hat tip to Douge2.


Nik Faldo said...

I love PokerStars. But quite frankly, that site hates Faldo. I have to play on other sites to keep what little poker sanity I have left over after playing on PS.

Robert Smith, Realtor said...

Nik, if you're talking about S.B. 669, I don't think it will raise license fees for charities. They would be considered a 'small millionaire party' since none of the charity members/workers receive wage, salary, pay or profit for working the event.