Sunday, December 13, 2009

Priceless Moments in History

Sending them all your money when you could very easily keep it all - and the jobs here. Stupid.

Letting them get off scot-free when 17 of 19 of their citizens did 9/11. Criminal.

Bowing before them as President of the United States? Priceless.

There is some insanity that can't be explained. For the rest of the insanity - there's Democrats.


Anonymous said...

Whats this shit doing on here? Not good to mix poker and Idiots.

Nik Faldo said...

Good point Anon. Good point.

Faldo just in one of those moods where they were so numerous, they happen to over-run my Idiot Moat. I had to dump some hot oil over the side of the castle wall.

I'm ok now. See the next article! Back to the fun and irrelevant.

Nik Faldo said...

And don't think I meant the post as a slam against just one political party.

The first two issues - BOTH parties are guilty as sin over.

But I don't see Reagan, Bush or Cheney bowing to a Saudi king. Or anybody who plays at NPP, for that matter.

It takes a real sitzpinkler to do that.

BigBri said...

The only person people at NPP bow to is "Faldo The Great"

p.s. I didn't get paid to say that