Tuesday, December 25, 2012

More Holiday Cheer for My Friends at NPP

What happened to golf season?
Always keeping my friends and family in mind on the holidays!
  1. Always carry a gun. If possible, bring two.
  2. Only carry a gun if you want to survive an encounter with someone trying to cause you - or someone you care about - harm.
  3. Remember the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.
  4. The first shot doesn’t count. The first hits counts.
  5. If your shooting stance is perfect – you are not using cover effectively or you are not moving fast enough!
  6. Always be moving away from your attacker if possible.
  7.  Not being shot is more important than shooting the bad guy.
  8. You will have to decide to be aggressive enough, soon enough.
  9. Someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it - because it better be empty.
  10. The faster you finish the fight, the less chance there is of you being shot.
  11. The best way to stay safe is a life long commitment and practicing of – avoidance, deterrents and deescalation.
  12. Your responsibility to be ready for a fight never ends.

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