Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Obama DOJ on Full Tilt Refunds: Instead of ‘Fast and Furious’ Killing US Border Agents, They Do ‘Slow and Stupid’ Torturing Poker Players

In a current article in Card Player Magazine, Brian Pempus writes an article where he muses about how players on Full Tilt might get re-paid. If you want to read an actual case study on how government screws up everything it touches, this article will show you.

Bottom line is the poker player (just like the taxpayer) is getting a groin kick in the shorts for your money.

Brian’s words in [ brackets] and Faldo’s are not.

[In late July 2012, the US Department of Justice (DOJ and Eric "I don't prosecute my people" Holder) and PokerStars (PS) both announced that they reached a deal to reimburse Americans. However, if Americans get far less than their entire Full Tilt (FT) balances, a possibility reported in Forbes Magazine shortly after the settlement, things could take a nasty turn once again.]

Now why would Americans receive less than their full balances? It would not be because the DOJ is involved, could it?

[PS takeover of FT was completed August 9th, 2012, after PS made an initial payment to the US Government of $225 million. The US Government now has the money to pay back US players, but that will certainly be a long and complex process that has just begun.]

Or maybe never will? The government HAS the money. What could possibly be their motivation to EVER give it back to the players? Second, even if they did want to pay the players back, have you ever seen a government agency work fast and efficiently? How about even work period??

Any liberals still reading this blog, change the FT payback to Obamacare. The chance for efficiency, a smooth operation, and funds being handled correctly will be ZERO. Actually, it will be worse since the amount of money involved in healthcare dwarfs this poker thing.

How can you liberals have your heads so far up your ass and not realize it? It is a mystery – until you understand liberalism is a mental illness.

[PS settled for $731 million. “How did they arrive at that number? Who knows?, “said Jeff Ifrah, an attorney for FT who helped broker the deal.]

US player were owed a total of $159 million, which includes Frequent Player Points being converted to cash. But there is $731 million going to the US Government – for nothing. They will have the money interest free to use as they see fit – all for doing nothing but engaging in dictatorial actions. They have tried to destroy PS since the business was started and now PS pays them $731 million in basically a mob-like extortion racket. Yeah, you liberals know how to pick your bed-partners. German Jews were just as smart.

[PokerStars Wanted to Payback Americans themselves, but the DOJ said no.]

Did you read that??? You would already have your money if private industry was allowed to handle things. More on this next article.

Now go shun a liberal. They are useful idiots for the communists. Liberals really are the worst form of creature.

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