Friday, April 06, 2018

Rjmech Wins for the 2nd Time in 2018 - And a Tax Return Returned

Rjmech also won two NPP groupies who were watching in awe.
Rjmech is up to his old tricks again - winning. That is not good for the rest of us at NPP.

2nd - T3chlady
3rd - Tigercub8189
4th - LittleRedElf
Bubble - GMOgolf

Congratulations to Rjmech on his 27th NPP victory!

Faldo now has a little tax problem.

Faldo just received his tax return for 2017 back from the IRS.
That puzzles Faldo!

They are questioning how many dependents Faldo claimed.

Faldo thinks it was because of Faldo's response to the line:

"List all dependents"

Faldo replied: 
300,000 people in prison;
2 million drug addicts;
5 million unemployed people,
20 million illegal aliens,
60 million people on food stamps;
all Democrat states and cities;
and 100 persons in the Senate and 432 Members of the House of Representatives.

Evidently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.

Maybe you can help Faldo out.


Big sexy said...


Dave said...

What you missed was your ignorance of the social contract you are part of.
From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.
Also - your white privilege has given you many rewards and you MUST SHARE THESE REWARDS!

I'm glad I could clear that up for you.