Sunday, November 02, 2014

Democrats Are Murderers - Pure and Simple

Not only do they murder babies in the womb, and families and countries with their policies, and citizens with their Communism, they seem to do a pretty good job of murdering just walking around sane people.

Wild Bill says what Faldo has said for years.

"Here is some information about the most evil murderers in America.

The Fort Hood killer was a registered Democrat Muslim.

The Columbine shooters were too young to vote but their parents were registered Democrats and huge liberals.

The Virginia Tech murderer wrote hate mail to President Bush. Gee, I wonder who gave him that idea.

The Colorado theater killer was a registered Democrat, a staff worker on the Obama campaign and an Occupy Wall Street member. He was as liberal as one can possibly be.

The assassin of kindergarteners in Newtown was a registered Democrat who hated Christians.

Are you seeing a pattern here.

The most brutal vicious crimes in America are being committed by Democrats and liberals…with guns. How could the Main Stream Media missed this connection?

Dr. Lyle Rossiter a prominent psychiatrist makes the case that liberalism is a mental illness [Faldo made that case years ago]. He spells it out in his book, “The Liberal Mind”.

So, do you want to keep guns out of the hands of psychos? We now know where to focus.

I propose that every registered liberal Democrat be placed on a mentally ill list.

And because mental illness is kin to incompetence, they should be removed from any position of responsibility. Banning liberals from the public school system would be the greatest advancement in education in the history of the country. And, it would solve the security problems.

Banning them from Congress would quickly restore our economy and moral standards [and our rights as Americans.]

The liberals of America try so hard to strip others of their rights. Perhaps we should give them a taste of their own medicine.

After all, it’s for the children.
Signed Wild Bill for America
Faldo reminds you - if you vote Democrat, you are a traitor to the United States of America. Pure and Simple.

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