Sunday, April 18, 2010

How I Am Dumb Playing Poker

Let me count the ways. Man, infinity is a big number. Maybe I will just list the top ten.

1. I get moody when I get behind. Not that I become rude, but my usual friendly, amusing and easy-going nature begins to evaporate when things are not going my way. It’s fine on line where you can turn off the chat or punch your PokerStars body bag (every one has one, right?), but in public, a sullen image does you no good at all. I know this, but have to battle it all the time.

2. I lose focus in long sessions. Actually, I do it in short sessions, medium sessions and all the others in between. Pure laziness is all this is, and I may be the all-time laziest poker player on the planet. I just refuse to work hard for the entire time playing. I seem to take breaks – usually from hand #5 - until the time I cash out.

3. I fear losing. No matter how many times I correctly tell myself that at the levels I play, I will never end up in the poor house – or how many times I remind myself that outcomes of hands don’t matter – I still fear losing. It’s not the money – it’s the ego. I need more gambling in me and less fear of looking stupid or feeling stupid. [Insert “everyone already knows Faldo is stupid” joke here].

4. I tighten up when losing. Some drop back to fundamental poker is a good plan, but I tend to take my already rock-like play and turn it into a frozen Mt. Rushmore. When most players go on tilt, they press weaker hands to get even by catching lightening in a bottle. My ‘tilt’ involves “waiting for the nuts”, which is a slower death, but more painful and death just the same.

5. I don’t’ push rushes. When things are going my way (the ten minutes twice a year it happens), I don’t push the envelope to maximize profit. [Maybe that is why it is only 10 minutes a year. I make sure it is only 10 minutes with my play.] When the cards are rolling, I usually refuse to ‘open up’ and let the poker gods shine on me. The negative feeling that the rush will end as soon as I turn up the heat, keeps the heat off permanently. That’s just wrong.

I guess I really have only five really bad habits. Feel free to clue me in on the rest of them.

Here are some others that may be the devil in your game:

 Taking slim draws to the river
 Pushing a rush too far
 Staying in bad games
 Don’t complete bluffs or moves
 Calling when everything is telling you to fold
 Folding when everything is telling you to call
 Giving poker lessons at the table
 Playing with too small a bankroll for that level of play
 Playing poker with the rent money
 Playing drunk, tired or in a bad mood
 Blaming the cards, dealers, poker site or other players
 Admitting that you know Faldo


Anonymous said...

interesting post after the conversation we had Friday night... good job

Matchy said...

Had a good turnout for a $1/$2 game in the Matchy basement Friday night, 8 guys strong. We played the usual enhanced games like double bed omaha with and without connectors. We also introduced the "reacharound" where you can use the first two or last two cards in either board along with the first or last two on the end of either board. This just adds to the options in double bedded games. Myself and Greg did well for the night. It did not hurt that I hit quads twice in Omaha Hi. Next game we need some more NPP guys there, plus the friday night action at Coyote is starting this friday.

Brian said...

Good list, Faldo. Here's another one that I find I have to tell myself when I am running bad:

"Raise more often, call less often".