Monday, August 28, 2017

KingBing420 Wins for the 7th Time in 2017

Joanna Krupa has nothing on KingBing420
The lady is killing the field right now. Who can stop this? Faldo can't as his jinx fears were realized again last week.

But Faldo (sob) will not complain (whining quietly) or moan (sob again) about bad beats (WHY ME!) as all mature poker players (SO UNFAIR!!) realize that this is (SOB!) part of the game.

Talent eventually wins out (Faldo has no chance!).

2nd - GMOgolf
3rd - Sanster89
4th - Derf-63
Bubble - Tigercub8189

Now for some general thoughts from Faldo.

Faldo always carries a pen and paper around with him in case Faldo thinks of a good idea. Or if Faldo forgets the pen and paper, Faldo convinces Faldo that the idea was not good enough to write down in the first place.

Anyone notice that when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, we moved the people made homeless to Houston. Now Hurricane Harvey hit Houston. Can we send those same people to California ....PLEASE! Or send some to California, some to Iran, some to North Korea and some to Afghanistan. Send a few to Bernie Sanders house. Send some to the MSNBC and CNN studios too. Lets use our natural resources wisely.

Sometimes Faldo has remembered his pen and paper at the wrong times.

Faldo bought a parrot that the pet store owner swore could talk. It died and when Faldo took it back to the store the owner swore the death was Faldo's fault and would not give a refund. It was not Faldo's fault that the parrot never said it was hungry or thirsty.

Faldo likes rice. Rice is great when you are both hungry and you want 3000 of something.

Faldo used to drink. Faldo still does drink, but he used to also.

Faldo loves escalators because even when they breakdown, they still become stairs.

Faldo used to be a hot tar roofer in Florida. That was a tough career path for that day.

Faldo did a 'solid' and helped a friend 'stay put.' Faldo made sure he did not start loading things into a U-haul.

Faldo was at a casino leaning against a door jam. A security guard said, "Sir, you have to move. You are blocking a fire exit." What was the point of that? Like Faldo was not going to move if there was a fire?

Faldo was handed a picture of a girl who said, "This is a picture of me when I was younger." Isn't every picture a picture of us when we were younger?

When people hand you a flyer they are really saying, "Here - you throw this away."

Monday, August 21, 2017

KingBing420 Wins for 6th Time - Absea98 for the 1st Time in 2017

Its go time. The second Civil War has started whether you participate or not.
Sorry for the double post as this new venture of Faldo's takes more time than a regular job.

Note to self: If you ever want to work for a slave driver, start your own business.

Anyway, two weeks ago KingBing420 took out a field of 13:
2nd - Douge2
3rd - Absea98
4th - Tomservo2
Bubble - Mikeniks-Faldo
(and mark my words, the PokerStars gods will have it in for Faldo the rest of the way this season. He looked some gift points in the mouth. Faldo took an unnecessary to get knocked out before Tomservo2 just blinded out. Watch and see if the cards do not have a memory of this the rest of the way this season. Faldo will have trouble making a final table from here on out. Put a fork in Faldo the rest of the season. Not superstition. It's called Karma.)

Last week, a familiar face to the winner's circle finally returned as Absea98 took out a field of 15:
2nd - Douge2
3rd -Sanster89
4th -Wingsfancurt
5th - KingBing420
Bubble - GMOgolf

Congratulations to KingBing420 on her 8th NPP win.
Congratulations to Absea98 on his 15th NPP win.

Now some Faldo odds and ends:

 How about these quotes:

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." - Henry Ford (noted inventor of the automobile, the factory assembly line, a successful business man, oh and a devout Nazi, Jew hater and Democrat.)

Oh, you mean like blaming karma for future defeats at poker? Like taking your eye off the goal? Like that?

"Life is like a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." - Danny Kaye, comedian.

He is correct and Faldo tries to do just that.

"I cannot give you the formula for success. I can give you the absolute perfect formula for failure however; try to please everyone." - Herbert Bayard Swope

Right on. Faldo never tries to please everyone (although most thinking people are pleased with Faldo), which is why Faldo needs to mention a few things now about the events of the last two weeks (even though this will not please everyone):

If you don't think the second Civil War in the United States has started - by the losers of the last presidential election - then you are not paying attention. The war is on.

Its going to be a strange war, with Democrats allowed to riot, kill cops and assist, protect and promote people who violate our federal laws - all without the police or authorities doing anything to stop it.

But when the conservatives and patriots have had enough of their rights and property trampled on by the Democrat communists, and begin to retaliate, THEN and only then, will the police and authorities crack down - ON THE CONSERVATIVES AND PATRIOTS.

Faldo has written this, so let it be said and so it shall be.
Just a prediction as reliable as truth unfortunately.
This civil war was started by the Democrats in order to declare Marshall Law and crack down on our Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
This last election of Czar Hillary was suppose to take care of that
And neither the Democrats or Republicans can believe the American people stood up and stopped it.
Neither party has recovered from the shock. It has exposed that both parties are ...well, both parties.

Anyone wonder why the main stream media and Democrats (same thing) are throwing a fit over the death of one female illegal demonstrator (key word in there is 'demon'), when the perpetrator is captured and justice will be served? Meanwhile police officers are being murdered by the dozens by left wing communists (Democrats, paid for by Democrats) and not a word of outrage?

Anyone wonder why the police let the Democrat communist rioters get close enough to attack the skinheads? The skinheads -whether you agree with them or not (Faldo does not!) - had a permit to assemble and had peaceably. It was the Democrat communist protestors that were there illegally, but were allow to amass and march towards the skinheads unabated by the police. A police chief and a mayor need to be fired and/or removed from office.

But the Civil War must get rolling according to the Democrats.

Anyone wonder why Democrat communist thugs can tear down statues and riot, while the police do nothing?

Anyone wonder why Debbie Wasserman Schultz is not in jail for her treasonous acts?
Anyone wonder why Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and Uma Aberdeine are not in prison for their treasonous acts?

Anyone wonder why the Republicans are missing in action pushing thru the Trump agenda the American people sent Trump there to accomplish?

We have a banana republic for a government - especially since the election of Obama. Hillary was suppose to be the final nail in the coffin for our Constitution.

The Democrats won't wait 8 years to fix another election. They want a war.

Another quote; "The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants from time to time." - Thomas Jefferson

He's right. If the Democrats want to rock, Faldo says ...."Let's roll."

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Douge2 Wins for the 4th Time in 2017

Four cheers for Douge2!
Faldo missed the festivities due to a family get together for Faldo's 26th birthday - or was it 62nd? Either way Faldo is 86 physically and 6 maturity level.

Douge2 took care of business and here are the other point getters and notable finisher:
2nd - GMOgolf
3rd - Absea98
4th - LittleRedElf
Bubble - 95corolla

Congratulations to Douge2 on his 26th NPP win and moving up the Walk of Fame!

Now for a little news in case you missed it - and if you watch the main stream media, you did:

Hillary Clinton used the State Department as her own 'pay to play' money making scheme. She sold out the United States for cash and did it on an unsecured server exposing national secrets to the world. She is still walking the streets and pedaling a book someone else wrote for her.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz had a Pakistani national as her computer guru. She gave him access to US government files and secrets, allowed him to make around $4 million in a house trading ponzi scheme defraudiing banks, and kept him on the payroll even after there was a warrant for his arrest. This is the woman that also help rig the Democrat presidential primary so that an admitted socialist/communist Bernie Sanders would not win the nomination for president. She is still walking the streets.

James Commie, the fired FBI director leaked classified information to the media. He also disclosed the crimes of Hillary Clinton and told the world that "he and no reasonable person" would prosecute her for obvious crimes against the United State. He is now peddling a book instead of being arrested for treason.

Members of the Obama Administration - too numerous to name - have all been exposed to have committed crimes against the United States or its citizens, and are still walking the streets.

Meanwhile the Republican Party continues to aid and abet the Democrats in eliminating United States sovereignty and begin a one - government world, while ignoring the citizens of the United States and what they demanded in the last election; i.e, closed borders, tax cuts, repealing Obamacare, fixing the VA, building the Wall and rebuilding our military.

Politicians are above the law unless the main stream media says it is OK to prosecute. Then only conservatives can be prosecuted.

Welcome to the Banana Republic of the Divided States!