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Joanna Krupa has nothing on the T3chlady! |
2nd - LittleRedElf
3rd - Rachael0388
4th - Absea98
Bubble - Tomservo2
Congratulations to the Techlady on her 13th NPP victory and moving on up the NPP Walk of Fame!
OK, so why is the country falling apart?
The United States has become a source of wonder the world over with its Columbines and hundreds and hundreds of dead in Chicago and Baltimore and its liberal burning cities and riots. Other advanced countries don’t do these things.
America didn’t either until recently. Why now? Something has changed, or some things. What?
Lets point out things that have changed, at risk of sounding like an old man.
In all the schools I ever attended (and I attended quite a few as I had a nomadic childhood), there was no racial tension. We were all white: teachers, students, parents.
The black kids went to their own school. We had virtually no contact with each other. There was no hostility, just no contact. The academic gap didn’t exist in the absence of contact. Integration would prove cruel when it came, and the black kid s sank to the bottom. The cause can be argued (liberalism), and this fact cannot.
There was no black crime to speak of or, as far as I knew. Certainly blacks did not shoot each other, or anybody. Neither did we. The reasons I suspect were similar.
Divorce was rarer, so most kids had both parents - a mother at home and a father working.
Whether it is better that unhappy couples stay together or that they divorce can be argued, but they then did stay together. It made a large difference in outcomes if one accepts the statistics.
The welfare programs of the Great Society had not yet destroyed the black family, which I speculate accounted in part for low crime.
Drugs did not exist. These appeared only with the Sixties (and the commie druggie big users of the 60's now run the Democrat Party). A few of us had heard of marijuana, but mostly we drank some beer.
In the entire school I remember only a couple, moderately fat kids - and they played football. Why so few? Because, I will guess, we were very physically active. The school had PE classes, football, baseball, wrestling, track, basketball teams, and so on.
In summer, kids spent their days playing outside, playing sports, tag, hide and seek, playgrounds, swimming in a pool or in a lake or pond, bicycling, canoeing, playing tennis, etc. The country kids chopped cord wood, lifted hay. There was ice skating for hours in winter.
Physical fitness has psychological consequences. For example, ADHD did not exist. Boys are competitive, physical animals full of wild energy and need - I SAID NEED – to work it off.
Boredom and enforced inactivity are awful for them. Two or three hours daily of fast-break pick-up basketball did this. If you force boys to sit rigidly in school, with no recess or only physically limited play, they will be miserable. If you then force them to take Ritalin, an approximate amphetamine, they will be miserable with modified brain chemistry. I don’t think this is a good idea.
Sex and, I think, its psychological consequences were different then. We were aware of sex in high school. I am not sure we were aware of anything else. But the culture was such that, first, young girls, middle school, say, were sexually (very) off limits. When barely pubescent girls are taken advantage of by boys of seventeen or of thirty-five, the emotional effects are devastating. By contrast, boys hoped desperately to be taken advantage of.
The de facto social theory was that girls should remain virgins until married. I think few really believed this, and certainly many girls did not. However the necessity of pretending, plus the fear of pregnancy in those pre-pill days, allowed girls to say “no.” if they chose.
The Pill, backed up by the Democratic abortion mill called Planned Parenthood, made girl's bodies into commodities. If Sally said no, Mary wouldn’t say no, and boys, churning hormone wads, would go with Mary. Thus girls lost control of the sexual economy and the respect that went with it. More stress.
Anorexia and bulimia did not exist. We didn’t know the words. Both look to me like a reaction to stress.
Uncertainty is a formidable source of stress. We had little uncertainty as to our futures in the sense that the young do today. We assumed, correctly, that jobs would be available for us. For kids who were not going on in school, there were jobs, as secretaries or guards or maintenance personnel, federal jobs with benefits.
Detroit was paying what seemed to us astronomical wages. Those of us in the college track knew we could work in whatever field we had chosen. Starbucks and living in our parents’ basements never crossed our minds.
Social mobility existed, and girls had not yet been taught they were victims. Of my graduating class of sixty, two girls became physicists and one an electronics engineer, and another a nuclear biologist. I'm sure there were other examples.
Extremely important was that the schools was a-political. We didn’t know that they were - they just were. But the communist-liberals turned them into brainwashing camps for the Communist Manifesto and the New World Order.
School was where you learned algebra and geography, or at least learned at them. The teachers, both men and women, assumed this. The white kids were not endlessly told that they were reprehensible and the cause of the world’s problems. The boys were not told that masculinity was toxic. Hysteria over imaginary rape was well in the future.
Little boys were not dragged from school by the police for drawing a soldier with a rifle. The idea of having police in a school would seem insane when it first appeared.
More speculatively: My wife recently commented that the young today seem about ten years younger than their age. There may be something go this. At least in the media and academic worlds, people in their mid-thirties remind me of the young of the Sixties, displaying what appear to be the same hormonal rebellion and sanctimony. College students act like we did in Junior High. High school is a cross between kindergarten and Woodstock. There is the same anger, the same search for grievance, the same adolescent posturing.
I believe feminism plays a large part in the collapse of society in general and specifically in pushing boys over the edge. In my school years boys were allowed to be boys. Neither sex was denigrated. Doing so would have occurred to nobody. Then came a severe prejudice against boys.
All of this affected society in its entirety, but especially white boys. They are constantly told that being white is shameful, that any masculine interest is pathological, that they are rapists in waiting. They are subjected to torturous boredom and inactivity, and drugged when they respond poorly. They go to schools that do not like them and that stack the deck against them.
Many are fatherless. All have access to psychoactive drugs. Add it up.
Fred Reed and Faldo
Hey, I think this is a recycled pic of Joanna Krupa.
You got a problem looking at Joanna?
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