Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Unsolicited Truth About Obamacare From an Independent Family Man

The US Constitution and our Bill of Rights look far worse right now.
Faldo was simply resting prior to the Tuesday Poker tournament. A friend texted me and another buddy to say he was attending a seminar on Obamacare to learn how to apply and what will be required to do so. He was going to share his knowledge of this new law with us.

As a professional financial planner, he is well versed at cutting thru the lawyer-speak and deciphering what is ‘the real deal’. Faldo will let him take it from here. Well, as much as Faldo will let anyone.
Financial Planner “ZZ” – text to two older friends: I am going to a speaker on Obamacare tonight. I will let you old timers know what I find out.
Faldo: It is called socialism and communism healthcare. If the speaker is for it, tell him Faldo says he is a crook and a traitor.
“ZZ”: Even communism has rules. Better to know what they are.
Faldo: No, you defeat it and sabotage it. Or you are a sheep and part of the problem. Ask that son of a bitch if he signed up for it yet.
“ZZ”: The problem is work ethic. For some reason the majority of the country just want handouts. I don’t see that changing.
“ZZ”: Guys, I apologize. I was trying to be open minded about this until I knew the facts. After sitting thru a two hour seminar, I can now say this law is a DISASTER!

“ZZ”: This will affect folks on medicare, so you need to bolster your savings enough to pay for substantially higher medical costs for the next two years Elmo (Faldo note: Elmo is retired on a fixed income).
“ZZ”: It could mean you will have to take a part time job or cut your budget. I can’t believe how horrible this law is.
“ZZ”: You are both friends of mine, and I am worried for you. If you are not educated on this subject, you better get yourself educated. This is going to have a significant impact on all American families and neither of you are the healthiest (Faldo note: or wealthiest) in America.
“ZZ”: I’m going to sit down with my wife and discuss our options this weekend. This is terrifying with a new baby on the way.
Faldo: I love the fact that government workers, and big Democrat contributors are exempt, given waivers or premium adjustments, while everyone else suffers with this. Just remember when you are going in for surgery or even taking medicine given to you in the hospital, it is your government now giving to you – and not your doctor.
All of you Democrat retirees voted for your own euthanizing. Good thinking, as usual from the Demcorat voter.

1 comment:

big red one said...

Where did you find Keely?