Thursday, October 07, 2010

UB Challenge Update – and Another Final Table for Faldo

Let the cheering begin! Making final tables in 90 player tourneys is easier than making them in 5000 player tourneys. I just figured this out. What a genius.

Faldo finished 4th in another PokerStars 90 player SNG. A four tourney set with a cash in just the one - set up this small profit.

Speaking of which: The UB – Faldo challenge continues this month. Here is the progress report:

SNG - $.12 – OUT = -$.12
SNG - $.12 - 3rd = $+.18 = $-.06
SNG - $.60 – 2nd = $+1.35 = +$.69
SNG - $.60 – OUT = $+.09
SNG - $.60 – OUT = $-.51
SNG - $.60 – OUT = $-1.11
SNG - $1.20 – OUT = $-2.31
SNG - $1.20 – 1st = +$4.50 = +$.99

Faldo’s Motto: “Never put it all on the line. Don’t chase cards or action.” – Kinish, in the movie ‘Rounders’.

$5.04 bet so far towards the requirement of $9 for the month. So, over half way there with a little profit cushion.

In this challenge, it is important to protect the bankroll by building cushion. After all, it is a one – year challenge. I have a long way to go. A run of bad cards, tough opponents or a mistake filled streak could be just around the corner.

But after the bankroll is built to a comfortable point, and near the end of the challenge - will we attempt to grab a brass ring (big cash) - or two.

After all, as Michael McDermett said, “If you never take a chance, your whole life can become a grind.”

There are two sides to every coin.

1 comment:

Fourputt said...

What does the picture have to do with the content of your article?