Tuesday, January 30, 2007

NPP Internet #5 Beerhog Classic Won by Rownder73

Persistance got 'er done! After two straight heartbreaking 2nd's in a row, Rownder73 broke cherry and won one of these things! Nice run and great job.

Only five players showed tonight - which is suprising since my soothing and sweetalking commentary as to why players were missing I thought sure would bring them back to the game. I guess there is just no being nice to some people.

You can lead them to the rail around the best poker group in the country, but you can't make them buy-in. As Sparky Anderson said, "If they don't want to go, nobody's going to stop them." It is their loss. On to the game:

Our defending two-time in a row champ, Beerhog (5th) made it to the 7-stud game in the 1st round of HORSE.

By the way, I apologize for the lack of play shown, but HORSE is just too many cards and I would have to go to hand history every time and it is hard to do when out of town. Holdem is much easier to keep track of.

Matchy (4th) made it to the 7-stud Hi/Lo game of the 1st round before he was ousted by Rounder73.

I (3rd) was his next victim - also in 7-stud Hi/Lo. My final hand started (54)A3 with three hearts. I was low stack so I had to go for it. The hand finished with my typical Poker Stars dealer love as K95 with no hearts arrived to turn my hand into a foot.

With my usual QUIET AND GRACIOUS exit, it only left two - Boother (2nd) and Rownder73 (1st). They battled for most of the second pass when Rownder73 won it in the 7-stud Hi/Lo game.

1st - Rownder73
2nd - Boother36
3rd - Nik Faldo
4th - Matchy
5th - Beerhog

Next game - Feb. 6, same password as to not to confuse those from Ann Arbor or who work at DCX, and Poker Stars will be dealing NL Holdem. - Nik Faldo

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