Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Rjmech and GMOgolf Win Again in 2018 - and Heath Care is a Commodity, Not a Right!

Rjmech and GMOgolf are getting all the cheers right now.
Rjmech and GMOgolf seem to having not only their own match race to the wire for the 4th quarter seat in the NPP Finals, but they are having their own way with the rest of the NPP field.

1st - Rjmech
2nd - GMOgolf
3rd - T3chlady
Bubble - LittleRedElf

and then;
1st - GMOgolf
2nd - Mikeniks-Faldo
3rd - T3chlady
Bubble - Tomservo2

Congratulations to Rjmech on his 32nd NPP win.
Congratulations to GMOgolf on his 4th NPP win and his rise up the NPP Walk of Fame!

Now some facts of life. The kind of facts that drive liberals even crazier than they already are:

Faldo was asked about Single Payer (Socialist/communist) health care and why it doesn't work. Faldo uses the words of that conservative genius Ben Shapiro (TheDailyWire) here:

If you needed an X-ray or a chair to save your life, you could figure out how much you could spend for the chair and pick the one you both needed and could afford. 
Probably picking the best chair you could afford, using all available sales and coupons.
Good luck with an X-ray.

The medical industry is not a free market. It is completely government, insurance company and medical field controlled.
You cannot look up X-ray companies and compare prices.
If you ask how much an X-ray costs, no one can tell you.
Is there any other commodity or industry in the USA where if you ask how much will it cost – they tell you – have it done first and we will tell you the price later?

Health care is not a right! It is a commodity just like anything else.
If you treat it as the commodity it actually is, it will be higher quality, more abundant, more competition and cheaper.

If you say it is a right, then government clamps down and tells doctors they must serve you at a particular price.
Incentive and motivation to improve or become the best or the cheapest goes out the window.
Quality suffers immediately and the quantity available will soon deteriorate after that.

Insurance companies become simply wealth redistribution institutes aligned with the government or go out of business. If government makes insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions, then it is no longer insurance.
If your house burns down with no coverage, you can’t run out and pay $500 for a year’s policy on your house and then collect $300,000 to rebuild your house. Insurance doesn’t work like that. If it does, it is a free money store, and not an insurance company.

Lasik eye surgery is a perfect example - because it is unregulated. Insurance companies don’t cover it. When it first was introduced, it cost $20,000 per eye. Now it costs $3000 per eye and the technology and quality is much improved. And there are no long lines to get treatment.

This is why we are getting a flood of ROAD doctors – Radiologists, Optimologists, Anestegeologists and Dermatologists, because there are no regulations and the profits are better. There is also a lot of competition so the quality and costs are lower, because is usually a cash business.

The counter claim the Left makes is that Lasik surgery is a choice. Heart surgery usually is not!

True. But the free market would still work. People would seek out and research where to get this type of treatment, should it be needed. Just as we do car repairs or where we buy our groceries. People would have places they would go to have that type of surgery picked out in advance.

Today, if you want to make a lot of money as a doctor, you don’t become a primary care physician, you become a ROAD doctor. Hence, a shortage of primary care doctors and long lines and waits at the doctor’s offices.

The Left declares health care a right, and then take away the incentive to provide the service. As usual, the Left screws up everything with their Marxist agenda. They tell the doctor, you are going to work for what we tell you to work for and you will like it! This of course would no longer be the first choice of people wanting to go into medicine. Doctors are usually smart people and smart people don't usually sign up for slavery.

That is why there is a Black Market in healthcare in every socialized medicine nation in the world. It’s a “right” but to move anywhere near the front of the line to get it, you better have a lot of cash paid under the table to get your right.

The Left promises free stuff. There is no free stuff unless someone else somewhere is getting nothing for something.


Mike Hat said...

Why do I have the "right" to make someone else pay for my health care?
Liberals can't answer that question. If they try it's usually something about "general welfare" being in the constitution.

Hugh Gepeenus said...

Women want to be swept off their feet.
When you do that and try to stuff them into the trunk of your car it becomes a problem.

Deepa Roy said...

Very Nice Keep Posting Like This......
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