Monday, September 22, 2014

Odds and Ends: Braveheart-NOT; Victim – NFL; White House Break In - Fake

Constitution Voters vs Democrat voters.
Braveheart – my ass! Faldo just threw away my copy of this Mel Gibson classic. Well, Faldo would have if he owned one. Why? It’s all a lie. The men of Scotland are Woosies – with a capital uh…..P.
Of course they had help from the voting block that actually has a vagina. A female voter is as dangerous to freedom as ….well… as any Democrat is.
Scotland voted to stay a nipple sucking socialist parasite on the teat of the soon to be Muslim Republic of Great Britain. It was just too scary a thought to the women – and men in kilts – to go the freedom route. I mean they might have to resort to capitalism, hard work and self-reliance. No one on this planet currently seems to want to do that awful thing.

That grand old socialist-monarchial country known as England will soon be under Sharia Law – and sooner than anyone thinks. At least of those who are educated and paying attention know I speak the truth. The rest don’t have a clue.
Well, Scots. Drink your Scotch and enjoy being the whiny spoiled brat that always is in the thorn of your Master’s side. The party is almost over - for all of you. You had your chance to at least die a free people. Now you die as both English slaves – and infidels.
Oh, and all of a sudden it seems like everybody in the NFL is beating their wives and children. I guess all this bad behavior just started – and only the NFL is guilty of it. Men in all other walks of life have never done this. If they did, I’m sure the media would make just a big a deal out of it.
The NFL employees – rank and file if you will – are being out-ed by the very same media that built them up as super-human heroes.
What has happened is that the NFL has grown into such a money making monopoly, that even the liberals - who need them to keep the voting public distracted (think of the Roman festivals, free food /drink and the Gladiator fights) - want to take them down a peg - and get their hands on some of that money.
The media will degrade the players in the press for a while. Then blame their bosses for “allowing and not stopping this behavior”. Then the bosses of the NFL will have to throw money at several liberal causes – and advocate groups - to get them to shut up for a while. Think the white Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton types. You know the groups; NOW, MADD, PETA, Greenpeace, etc. And, after this dies down, then Jackson and Sharpton will both get in on the act by claiming the whole fiasco was a “discriminatory” witch hunt. It will cost the NFL more to make them go away.
Then the same media will start praising their former player punching bags – provided the players grab their ankles and do the tearful interview with the wife dutifully by his side – on Ellen, The View, 60 Minutes - saying how ‘Alan Alda’ her husband has become.
Meanwhile, the real die-hard fans – despite what the media says – could care less what the player does off the field. Can the player destroy the other team on game day?  That is all they care about.  You know the fan I’m talking about - the fan that can name the starting backfield and even the back-up cornerbacks for the Houston Texans, but doesn’t know the name of his two Senators in Washington.
Besides, the media has to talk about something – anything – except about the dereliction of duty and criminal activities of the Golfer-in-Chief and the criminals in Congress and the Justice Department. There are only so many nude pic releases and celebrity deaths that can happen.
Speaking of that chronic vacationer that shows up for work only to violate our Constitution – Obama had an uninvited visitor or two storm the White House. The Secret Service did not shoot the man who scaled the fence. They did not send the attack dogs after him as he ran across the North lawn. They, along with the Marine Guards on the premises, did not intercept the man UNTIL he was physically in the front door of the White House – which was UNLOCKED!
Are you buying any of this? This is the same group that murdered an unarmed Black woman with a baby in the car that they say was ‘circling’ the White House. Remember that? Of course you don’t. No charges were ever filed, no investigation demanded by the media. What if Bush had been president – and that execution happened?
But I digress. Here are three possible scenarios I’ve heard. Pick one or comment your own.
  1. A lone nut and the Secret Service was just overly sensitive and was trying to determine the man’s upbringing and possible life lottery loser level before actually stopping him.
  2. Obama and the Democrats set the whole thing up and told the Sharpshooters and Marine Lethal Weapon Guards (think Bengazi) to stand down; and let some kid-glove sensitivity trained Secret Service agents gently subdue the guy. The idea is to drum up sympathy and fear for the President – and of course start another ‘Repeal the 2nd Amendment’ debate.
  3. The Secret Service, with the help of the Military, CIA, Border Patrol and the FBI – sent a message to Obama. The message is “Stop screwing with us and our nation’s security. It ain’t that hard to make your head explode too.” Think JFK in an open car and Biden ...excuse me.....LBJ in a sealed armor car - 6 cars behind you.
I know the pick I would hope it is 3, but I’m not going to even give you a hint 3 as to which it is3. You will have to guess3.

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